text goyang

31 july 2012 (23:52)

hello !! yuhuuuu !! :)
pe kbar la korg..hehehehe...ase mcm lme x update blog ak ny..maklum la org busy la kate kn..hahahaha..huh..memg ak x smpat nk online pn sejak kebelakangan ny...byk gler kje kne buat...ngan dokumentari ak..test lg..report lg...b'timbun-timbun...memg lemau ak dibuat nye...
now..mmbe2 ak sume b'tunkus-lumus nk siap kn report field trip kteorg ari 2..hurmmm..mse g field trip tu memg sronok...ble blak..huishh...byk kje !! huhuhuhu :(
ny la org kte life student...btol x??hahahaha...kabot la plak ak ny...hmm..
nk membebel ape lg eak??hahahaha...ada gosip pn best kn ?? hahahaha...uisshhh...fatin...x baik la gosip2 ny..hehehehehe..okayyy la...ak x tau nk merepek ape lg da..nnt ad mse ak update lg...klu x de mse...hmm...tnggu la setahun lg ke...hahahaha...poyo je..okay la...tke cre !!

quote for today : Life gives and takes away. During difficult times, be committed to resolving problems, but also lighten up and ride the waves of impermanence. What is a monster problem today will be a forgotten thought in the future. :D keep smiling !!

suke-suke :D

hello !! hello !! :)
how's your day ?? hehehe..tau x..td ak msg ngan mak ak..tau x my mum ckp ?? guess what ? huhuhu...my mum said, dye tgk gmbar ak and said..ak da T.E.M.B.A.M !!! ohhhh tidakkkkkk !!!! seriously ?? ak x nk jd cm tu..huhuhuhu :'(
so, ak pn wt la alasan..gmbar yg my mum tgk tu sblm puasa..so, nnt lpas puasa cnfrm la ak slim, langsing lg menawan...kahkahkah...angan-angan mat jenin la atin !! ish3...so, mcm mne ny ?? hurmmmmm (",)
i wonder...mcm mne kalau ak x mkn nasi langsung ?? hahahaha...ak just bleh tahan x mkn nasi for only 2 weeks..ish3..x de motivation langsung kn..? :(

okayyyy...okayyy...now, kte tukar topik plak...how about we talk about my drawing...hekhekhek.. :D
tp ny lukisan utk sbject biology ak la kn..hmm...look carefully ....................................................

 1st picture : monocot leaf tissue
is it look ok ??huhuhuhu...

2nd picture : monocot stem tissue
cm mne ?? pnah tgk ??huhuhu

tau x..mse ak nk observe binatang-binatang ny bwh microscope...ak x tau pe yg ak nmpk sbnr nye..hmm..tension ak...dah la wt mate ak juling..ish3..klau slalu sgt observe bnde-bnde micro ny bwh microscope..ak ase mate ak bleh buta..(hiperbola la plak)..hahaha :D
hmm..okay la..perut ak da berkeroncong ny..tnggu mse nk diisi je..sbar ye perut..jap lg nk bkak puasa da..hehehehe :)
today's quote : Life gives and takes away. During difficult times, be committed to resolving problems, but also lighten up and ride the waves of impermanence. What is a monster problem today will be a forgotten thought in the future. smile and enjoy your life :D

we are together !! :)

haaa....tgk la ny kteorg wt experiment physics td..hehehe...

 look !!! dorg memg x bley dipisah kn right ? lab physics pn wt sme2...sweet :)

 okayy...now, msing2 khusyuk dgr explaination miss lin..
tgk bahriah..khusyuk sgt dye..hehe..
hmm..look there !! ad izzati la..guess what is she thinking about ?? hmmmmmm... 

 shasha dgn semangat nye explain kt my baby intan...hahahahaha...
shasha memg slalu b'semangat klu bab2 physics ny..huhuhuhu :)

 intan...with her diligent face..hahahaha... :D
hamidah plak..hurmmm..guess what??

 another pic of intan and hamidah..
tekun gler gorg wt experiment ny...ak tabik korg beb !! :)

 bahriah, najaa, kinah and.......of course najwa !!
hahahaha... XD

 tgk la muka2 ceria mereka...tu tnda nye experiment dorg b'jln lancar..x de problem pn kn.. :)
najaa with her cute face...peace no war (0_0)Y !!

 okayy...aishah a.k.a chot..usha ape tu beb??hehehe..mrah ke?? heeee~
kila...why?? sket ke??hahaha...
cute face...izzati and fai.. :)
peace yooo !! 

 now, dorg da mule khusyuk ny...hehehe...
ehhh..pale spe plak kt corner tu...guess who ?? that's tiara !! :)

 okay2...look !! kak mah ad kt situ !!
si tudung biru...ila and umie...dorg ny memg pantang klu org nk snap gmbar...laju je posing..hehehe.. :)

look !! another pic of them..with different pose..hahaha :)
memg dorg ny model group kteorg... XD

hmm...okay la..smpai sini dlu la...sbnrnye ak x de idea nk post ape..hahaha :)
tp satu yg ak pasti...ak syg kwn2 ak..klu dorg x de...life ak kt arau ny cnfrm x colourful..mcm2 ragam..mcm2 characters..mcm2 prangai...hahaha... XD
live, laugh, love... life is to short to be unhappy.. so forget all the drama and smile.. kill your enemies with a good, big smile :D
my beloved family !!! 

 okayyy !!! now my family...
1st of all..this is my sisters and me !!
kteorg sume prempuan okayyyy...
hmmm...klu gduh 2 memg mcm perang dunia ke-2 la kot...hahaha...
dahsyat gler !!!
gmbar ny actually mse ak skolah ag...serabai kn ??hahaha
yg tdung itam 2 iqah nme dye..tdung krim plak ina..tdung putih lagi suci...hekhekhek...aku la 2...hahahaha..yg orange 2 plak ana...my big sis..hahahaha XD
lastly, tasha my lil sis..hahaha...kembang idung dye kn ?? dye memg ske wt cm 2...hahaha :)

 ny la my mum & dad...aku syg dorg sgt2...!
my mum rozitah amat sbar ngan kerenah kteorg adk-bradik..
abah plak...huishhh !! garang...hehehehe...abah jgn mrah okayyyy....atin main2 je...:)

 oppssss !! minah sesat !! aku la tu...serabai right ??
hahahahha...syokk woooo mkn mcD..hmm...
kt perlis ny x de mcD...miss plak nk mkn..hahhaha..
oppssss !! atin...skrg bln pose la...ish3...engt nk mkn je ko kn...hahaha..mcm mne la x G.E.M.O.K !!!

 ny mse rye tahun lpas ase nye...hahahaha...engt2 lpe la plak..maap la ye...sy nyanyuk jap...hahaha
yg bju biru 2 pk long ak..abah ak nye abg..hmm..

 another picture with my pak long... :)
ish...aku posing t'lebih plak..hahaha XD

 arghhhhhhh !!!! what is THAT ??!!
ny la beauty and the beast..terbaikkk kn ?? hahaha XD
tgk...ak x tkot pn ngan beast tu...siap snap pic sme2 ag...korg ad brani??hahahaha

 my cute lil sis..tasha.. :)
ttbe plak dye wt mke kiut dye 2...sblm ny asyik nk kembang kn idung je..hahaha 
i miss her :(

 attention !! this is another fatin...hahaha...
nme onuh dye nor fatin AFIQAH bt nor rahim...hehehehe...
kuat ngis woooo...
but...she is so brilliant !!
ak jelous gler ngan dye...duk ngadap lptop..x bce bku...tp...perghhh...result gempak !!

 mak !!! abah !!! miss you so much...
haaa..ny la mak ngan abah ak...romantik x ??hahahha

hahahaha...pose ape yg dye buat pn ak x tau..mse ny dye ngah main congkak ngan mak ak..
mybe dye frust kot sbb kalah ngan mak ak...hehehe
for korg nye info...mak ak terer main congkak beb...ad brani nk challenge ?? :)

 okayy...now, ny ina...dye ny...arghhh...too many prangai...
kdg2...ak ase cm nk hempoke je pale dye...klu mse angin dye 2..memg sket pale dibuat nye..
mak ak pn kdg2 geram ngan dye..
but...klu angin dye baik..ok je..hahahaha...pelik kn ??

 nk kopek kulit oren ??
hahahaha...tasha memg ske mkn sgala jnis oren...limau..
klu da dpt...memg x engt org lain da...hahahaha :)

 my big sis...hehehe...kidding je...ana..
hmmm...ag sorg adk ak yg memg brilliant..
kje dye tdo je...tahun ny spm...tp dye relax nk mampos..
wt revision pn jarang...tp skali kuar result...gempak beb..
ak jelous gk ngan dye ny..tp kn....dye ny slalu gk tolg ak..kdg2 klu ad org buli ak..
dye mst nk g blasah blek org 2...ak engt ag mse kt skolah dlu...
mse 2 ak kne kutuk ke pe ntah..ak ngis...waaaaaaaaaaaa....
pas tu dye la yg pjuk ak...dye peluk ak...hahaha...mcm kkak ak plak kn.. :)
dye ny otai..memg best klu kteorg gelak sme2...mcm nk runtuh rumah klu ana + ak gelak.. XD

 double fatin...hahahaha...b'beza kn kteorg..
iqah cerah skit...ak mcm arang...kihkihkih...
iqah mte dye sepet...ak plak...hmmm...cm mte ikan...kuang3..

okayy !! da abis...this is my lover..jgn spe2 brani rampas okayyy !!
ak syg dorg sgt2..klu ad org rmpas dorg dri ak...ak x tau la pe yg jd ngan ak nnt...huhuhu...
okayy la korg...ak nk g solat...korg jgn lupe solat...hehehe
hope hari korg ceria !! 
big smile everyone !!! :DD

cameron highlands memories !! :)

my besties 
aishah shaarani, aisyah halim, izzati, hamidah and my baby intan..hahahaha XD
we were in cameron highlands..sweet memories together <3

 they are aisyah halim and aishah shaarani <3
two different person with different characters.. :)
sorang sgt2 menggoda sorang lagi sgt2 la independent !!
mcm langit ngan bumi, right ??

  the cuties :)
shasha and izzati..
izzati slalu sbar je ngan shasha nye prangai...hahahaha.. XD

 "sempoi" together..
najaa and najwa cannot be seperated.. :)
cousin forever..air yg dicincang x kan putus...ceewahhhh...
izzati always make her cute face !! <3

 my baby intan ?? hahahahaha..
dlm hati ada taman..nmpk je ganas..tp hati lembut woooooo....hahahaha :)

 okayy...now, this is hamidah..
dye da b'punye okaayyy...jgn brani nk cbe ngorat..hahaha..
sorang yg sgt2 x stabil...ble2 mse je bley t'jtuh..x kira la kt tgh jln ke..
kt tepi longkang ke..kt pasar ke...jgn nk tolak sikit...confirm 100% dye akan jtuh nye la..hahaha XD
sorry ye midah...aku gurau2 je...jgn amik hti okayy... :)

 another one picture of my besties :)
msing2 x sbar nk amik gmbar...hahahaha 

 hmm...mse ny kteorg bru smpai kt apartment kte org....sjukkkk !! hahahaha...
org lain sbuk2 angkut beg...kteorg smpat ag snap pic kt ctu..ish3 :D

 okayyyy !!!
ny plak kt balkoni..pg yg amat nyaman...sblm kteorg nk msok hutan..
ummi, shasha and me !!
hahahaha :)

 another picture of us !!
uisshhhhh !! byk kn gmbar kteorg...pent tgk kn ??
tp ak ske tgk...ny la memori kteorg sme2...b'nilai gler..
x de gnti tauuu..
aku, shasha, izzati, hamidah, ummi and.......guess who ?? hahaha

 haaaaaa !! gmbar kteorg lagi..
tgk...sume semangat !!
from left...hamidah, kila (our class rep), najwa and najaa (look ! dorg x bley b'pisah), shasha (ala2 duk kt oversea ngan sweater bulu2 bagai), kak mah, izzati, my baby intan and ummi...hahahaha

 now !! look carefully...hahaha
najwa...ntah dye tgk spe pn ak x tau...pe bnde yg menarik sgt pn ak x pasti..
my baby intan...hahahaha...malu2 kot...tgk bwh je..hahahaha XD
me !! posing je tau..hahaha...cover cun jap... :P
okayyy !! izzati with her priceless face....so cute !!! <3
shasha...hurmmm...no comment..hahahaha :)

 a proper one picture...yeahhhhhh !!!
hahahaha...ceria kn kteorg ?? knk2 ribena kn ??

 in the jungle...hahahaha...finally !! abis gk kajian kteorg...huh...pent !!
kahkahkah..pdahal bkn byk bnde pn kne buat..ish3...

 a friend is someone we turn to when our spirits need a lift,
a friend is someone we treasure for our friendship is a gift,
a friend is someone who fills our life with beauty, joy and grace....
and a friend makes the world we live in a better place and happier place..
i love you my friends !! <3 <3
okayyy !! da abis...ny la aku...hahaha...serabai right??
berangan konon2 ad la prince charming nk dtg jemput aku...puihhh...x abis2 ngan berangan aku...
hahahahha...but the truth is ak memg kuat berangan...mak aku pn ckp cm 2...dri kcik memg da cm 2...x bley nk wt pe la kn...hahahaha...XD
now !! have a good day !! cheer up your day..no more tears...kihkihkih :)
tata !! muahhhhhh...syg korg sume !!! <3