text goyang

sayonara manjung ~

sedih tak terkata..huhu...arau dtg..manjung pergi..selamat jalan romeo..you will always in my heart.. :(
mak, abah, ngan adik2..i love you..please pray for me..and i please share your strengths with me...i'm really hoping for that...

saya, awak dan angan-angan

sy ske awk..awk ske sy tak ??hahaha..gler btol !! sy ny byk sgt angan2 nye..hurmm...ntah la..pe nak jd pn tak tau..mcm mat jenin !! uishh..pe yg ak merepek ny ??
sy dah mula sawan la awk..mental destruction !! help !! S.O.S !! tp awk nk tolong sy ke ?? sy tak nmpak pn bayang2 awk...hurmm..dlm pale sy ada AWAK, AWAK, AWAK, AWAK dan AWAK !!
mcm mne ny ??ada ubat tak ?? sy try nak lpe kn awak..tp ssah gler..hmm..

hahahaha....hensem kn mr ian somerhalder aku ?? :D

life must go on :')

life must go on...tu la pe yg ak bley kate skrg..wlaupun sket hati ke..sket jiwa ke...sket mental ke...hidup msti diteruskan..kpd insan yg t'babit..awk jgn la rsau..fatin okay je...hahaha...awk tu yg spatot nye tak yah pkir sgt..msti ad hikmah disebalik sume yg b'laku..btol kn??hurmm..Allah mst da ada rancangan yg lbey baik utk awk..awk jgn rsau ye..fatin tau awk kuat..sbb fatin pn okay je...msti awk bley hdapi sume ny...fatin p'caya yg awk akn lbey bhagia lpas ny..just live your life...eat well, live well, love well and laugh a lot...huhuhu..just cbe lpekan ape yg da jd..fatin tau memg ssah nk lpekan mcm tu je...tp lme2 mst bley lpe..tp klu awk tak lpekan tu hak awk..msti awk ada sbb t'sndri kn??huurmm.. (-_-)

life is sucks :'(

i think i lost my mind..ak slalu pkir yg -ve je..tak tau la ape nk jd ngan ak ny..sometimes when i'm angry, i'll blame everyone..hurmm.. :'(
it's hurt you know when someone you love called you an idiot..it's hurt me badly..ape yg ak tau nangis, nangis, nangis...smpai ble ak nk nangis ak pn tak tau..but i can't help it..sket hati sgt2..ak tak tau nk buat cm mne lg..nk sbar smpai ble pn ak tak tau...hurmmm..ntah la..kdg2 pnah t'lintas dlm pale otak ak ny nk lari dri sume msalah ny...tp ble pkir blek..klu ak lari dri msalah smpai ble pn takkan slesai...ak ny manusia biasa yg byk kekurangan..prasaan nk give up tu slalu je ad dlm pale otak ny..ak tau tak baik mengeluh..tp ape bley buat..ak harap sgt hidup ak pas ny jd lbey baik... :'(

chocolate cake : pengubat duka ak ?? :)

chocolate cake ?? memg my favourite..forever and always !! hahaha.. :D
klu dpt chocolate cake ke..choco cookies ke..chocolate bars ke..memg senyum ke telinga la jwb nye..I LOVE CHOCO SO MUCH !!! ngeeee~
nk buat chocolate cake?? hehehe..here is the recipe....
bahan2 :
- 450g butter
- 600g gula
- 125g choco powder
- 400g tepung
- 1 sudu sodium bikarbonate
- 1 sudu serbuk penaik
- 9 biji telur
- 320ml air suam

cara2 nk buat  : 
- mcm biasa la..panas kan oven
- pukul butter ngan gula smpai kembang or 45min.
- msukkan telur. pukul smpai sebati.
- msukkan tepung, serbuk penaik, sodium bikarbonate and serbuk koko (ayak dlu tepung). kacau smpai sebati.
- bakar dlm oven 45min (180 - 200 degree Celcius).
- nk hias tu pndai2 la tmbah chocolate rice ke..manik2 ke..renda2 ke..hahaha..

:: gud luck !! mkn jgn lpe sy yg menyibuk ny okayyy ??? :: :D

today's quote : don't judge me until you know me, don't underestimate me until you've challenge me, don't talk about me until you've talked to me and don't mess up with me because you'll regret it !! :)

you are a robber !! :'(

hurmm..nk tau nape?? awk da curi hati sy..awk tau tak?? mungkin awk tak sdar..tp awk tu pencuri !! awk curi hati sy !! awk pencuri yg tak bleh ditngkap polis..bg blek hati sy..sy da jd tak tntu arah sbb AWAK !! huh !! and i HATE this feeling..it kills me !! cbe la awk trus terg je..nape awk buat sy mcm ny?? sy ada buat sllah ke ngan awk?? klu sy ada buat slah..sy mntak maaf..but please..jgn main2 kn prasaan sy..sy ny manusia biasa..bkn patung...sy tau mcm mne ase sdey, sket hti, geram, benci..so, bg blek hti sy..and one more thing, awk jgn la buat kt org lain mcm ape yg awk da buat kt sy..jge hti org lain...pape pn engt pesan sy...jge hti org lain..hormat prasaan org lain..
quote for today : trust is a fragile thing. easy to break, easy to lose and very hard to get back. :'(

miss you :'(

hurmm..hai..today i'm missing somebody..i don't know why..argghhhh...this feeling makes me go insane !!! i hate this feeling...can you imagine how it feels when you miss somebody but you can't express your feeling to him/her?? it sounds crazy, right? but that's how i felt..how can i forget that person?? maybe my heart just don't want to forget..even though it's hurt me..but i still don't want to forget..am i dumb?? am i fool?? arghhhhh..i don't know how long i can hold this feeling..btw i love my life !! huhuhu (-_-)

mcm mne?? ak miss dye...hahaha..naaaahh !! bkn la..hahaha :D

i have a family who always there for me..mak !! she always loves me..always gives a lot of advices...abah ! fuuhhh...garang gler..but he always gives me what i need the most..huhuhu..ana !! my big sis...sntiasa ad tuk ak..share topup..hehehe...share stories..biasa la kn gosip2..hahaha..:D
iqah !!! ak slalu gigit dye...hahaha...geram..ina !! so much trouble..sometimes she makes me sick !! hurmm...tasha !! my lil sis..mcm makcik2...klu b'ckp..sbar je la..tahan je la tlinga tu..soft spoken but.........fuhhh !! kata2 dye tu TAJAM MCM PEDANG !! so..pndai2 la tahan tlinga..hahaha :)

today's quote : a strong woman is a woman who can smile this morning after she cried last night :)

chocolate cookies or alien ?? hahaha :D

okayy..hri ak nk share resepi chocolate cookies ak..mybe tak bpe sdap sgt kot..hehehe :)
firstly, bahan2 nye : 
- 1 cawan butter / margerin
- 1 1/2 cawan gula
- 2 cawan tepung
- 2 biji telur
- 1/4 sudu teh soda bikarbonat
- 1/4 sudu teh garam
- 3/4 cawan serbuk koko
- 2 sudu teh esen vanilla
- coco pops (bley gak gne kacang / chip chocolate)
- utk hiasan ltak la pape yg korg rse ok

now, cara2 nk buat :
- panas kn oven (175 degree C) 
- gaul gula, butter, esen vanilla, telur (with mixer) smpai kembang or fluffy. pastu campur kn tepung, garam, serbuk koko, soda bikarbonat, kacau hingga sebati. tambah kn coco pops ( kacang / chip chocolate).
- gune kn sudu dan cedok kn sedikit demi sedikit ke atas tray.
- bakar selama 8-10min atau smpai msak (jgn hangit da laa ye)

okayy...tu la sikit sebyk yg ak nk share...klu sdap jgn lpe post kt i sikit...kahkahkah :D
klu tak sdap mkne nye tak cukup ksih syg kt cookies tu...nk wt cookies kne ad ksih syg and ikhlas...hahaha..tp jgn mandrem da..slamat mncuba !! :)

ny la contoh chocolate cookies yg ak da try buat !! okayy tak ??heeee~

quotes for today : look for something +ve each day, even if somedays you have to look a little harder. let the challenges make you stronger ;)