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The Symptoms of Shopaholics
Nurfatin Aina binti Nor Rahim
According to Psych Guides (2016), a shopping addict or also known as shopaholic is a person who shops uncontrollable and someone who may feel that they do not has restrain over themselves. Shopaholics can be differentiate into several types. There are shopaholics who are shopping when they feel distress. This type of shopping addicts are known as compulsive shopaholics. Other than that, shopaholics who are always shopping to purchase the perfect items are known as trophy shopaholics. Bargain seekers are shopping addicts who buy items that they do not need because of certain type of sale like the year end sale.  
There are several symptoms and signs that show someone is a shopaholic. Shopaholics usually will have a lot of unopened or tagged items in the wardrobe (Morad, 2012). Those items have been selected by the shopaholics but their tags still attached to them. Other than that, the items that have been purchased probably been forgotten. Thus, those items will be ignored and let unused. Shopaholics also tend to purchase or buy something that they do not need or did not plan to buy. This is because, they easily get tempted by the items because of the low price. This is usually known as bargain seekers shopaholic. 
According to Elizabeth Hartney (2016), person who is addicted to shop usually has low self esteem. This symptom arise because it is one of the way to boost self esteem. Self esteem of shopaholics increase as they shop something that they desired as the items relate with an image of something that the shoppers wants to be. However, low self esteem can also be a result of shopping addiction. This is because, debt can heighten the feel of inadequacy and worthlessness.
Besides, shopaholics will felt guilty when they go shopping. It means that, shopaholics do feel guilty, angry and/or sad because of the initial frenzy of shopping (Columbia University, n.d.). However, they will always repeat the same behavior which is shopping. According to Addictions (n.d.), shopping addicts tend to lie about their shopping habits. This can be seen when friends or family asked about where the money go.
Morad (2012) states that, shopaholics will feel restless when they do not go for shopping. They also tend to online shopping as long as they fulfill the ‘responsibility’ even though it is not done physically. This is because, shopping is always used as one of the way of lifting the spirits, even temporarily. Anxiety and depression also can be experienced by the shopping addicts when they do not go shopping (Hartney, 2016).     
Besides, shopping addicts tend to have difficulty to focus in their work or even hard to concentrate in their social relationships. This happened because of they will plan a detail activity of upcoming expedition to shop. They will also think about what shop to go, which shop they will go first, what to wear and others. This is a common  thing in person who wants to try to hide their habits from other people like family and friends (Project Know, 2016).
As a conclusion, shopaholic is one of the compulsive habits that can be kick off. Some simple ways might work. For instance, shopaholics can try to find new activity, identify the triggers and avoid them, remove the temptations, carry cash that only can purchase what shoppers want and seek help from family, friends or professional therapists (Morad, 2012).    

1.      Addictions. (n.d.). Retrieved on June 15, 2016 from www.addictions.com.
2.      Hartney, E. (2016). What Are the Symptoms of Being a Shopaholic? Retrieved on June 15, 2016 from https://www.verywell.com.
3.      Morad, R. (2012). Shopaholic: 7 Signs You’re Addicted To Shopping. Retrieved on June 15, 2016 from http://www.huffingtonpost.com.
4.      Project Know Understanding Addiction. (2016). Retrieved on June 15, 2016 from www.projectknow.com.
5.      Psych Guides. (2016). Retrieved on June 15, 2016 from http://www.psychguides.com.


Assalamualaikum. Hai hai hai. Setelah sekian lama, ketemu lagi kita. 
Puiiiiiii!! Ayat tak boleh blah. Hahaha. Sorry, terkasar pulak. Tapi kali nie memang entri nie mengadungi unsur unsur kecarutan tahap dewa. Sorry readers.
Dah lama sangat menahan perasaan sebal dihati. Dah start nak jadi gunung berapi dah. Lava dah nak meletus. Maybe perang dunia ketiga juga bakal meletus. Opppps!! 
Hah! Dah kenapa kau, Fatin oiiii? Nak tau mengapa insan yang bernama Nurfatin Aina nie nak meletus, meroyan, mengeluarkan bahasa carutan? 
Hmmmm, sebenarnya nak luahkan tapi rasa macam tak baik pulak. Agak agak patut ke nak bagi muka lagi? Sebab bila bagi muka, pijak kepala. Bagi betis, nak peha. Lama lama apa yang tinggal kat aku? MAybe tak luak pun segala lemak kat badan aku nie. Tapi hati nie? Rasanya dah start cedera parah dah nie. 
Mesti tertanya tanya kenapa Nurfatin Aina nie merapu panjang berjela-jela kan? Kenapa la minah Nurfatin Aina meroyan tak tentu pasalkan? Dear readers, agak agak entri kali nie intro dia macam orang putus cinta tak? Haha. No, no, no. Jangan cepat sangat teka yang bukan bukan ye sayang sayang. 
Sebenarnya, tak berapa nak puas hati dengan sorang makhluk nie. Bukan apa, minah Nurfatin Aina nie kan penyayang. So, dia taknak la kawan kawan dia merapu tak tentu hala. Tapi kalau niat minah Nurfatin Aina nie disalah anggap, pastu nama dibusuk busukkan, nama minah Nurfatin Aina nie dicanang sana sini. Agak agak apa yang minah Nurfatin Aina nie rasa? Mesti broken hearted kan? 
Minah Nurfatin Aina nie try buat baik, tapi bila dia buat baik orang ambil kesempatan. Kenapa nak memperbodohkan minah Nurfatin Aina yabg naif nie? Dear makhluk asing, aku bukan tak tau ape yang ko buat. Aku cuma saja taknak meletuskan peperangan. Jangan anggap aku nie tak nampak ape yang ko buat, tak dengar ape yang ko canang. Kalau pun ko tak suka aku, jangan lah nak libatkan mak, abah dengan adik adik aku. 
Aku boleh sabar lagi kalau ko buat aku nie macam orang bodoh, tapi jangan buat family aku macam tu. Mungkin ko dah biasa buat macam tu kat rumah but please, jangan buat dekat orang lain macam tu. Aku akan cuba sabar. Tapi aku tak janji berapa lama lagi aku boleh bersabar. Jangan sampai satu hari nanti aku mengungkit semua yang aku dah buat. Sia sia je pahala aku nanti. Buat entri nie pun dah menambah dosa kering aku. Jangan ko buat aku hilang pahala aku yang tak berapa nak banyak nie pulak. Hmmmm. 
Takpe lah, sampai sini dulu kot. Ligat sangat jari jemari nie nak menaip. Tapi mengenangkan banyak projek besar yang tak siap lagi aku batalkan niat nak merapu nie. Uhuk uhuk. 
Dear readers, I love you. Dear makhluk asing, jauh kat sudut hati aku, aku sayang ko. Tapi buat masa nie biar aku tenangkan diri aku nie. Sebab aku risau aku melampaui batas pulak. 
Okaylah, bye. Thanks sebab sudi baca entri merapu aku yang ke........entah la. Haha.

Nurfatin Aina binti Nor Rahim.
(Minah senget)

Part Time Job *Sigh*

Lamanya lah aku tak update blog nie. Maaflah, masa tak mengizinkan. Student lah katakan...
Okay, sekarang nie dah ada banyak masa sementara tak keje lagi. Bila buka cerita pasal keje, aku mulalah rasa nak give up, down, stress, nak mengamuk, semua lah. Huhu. Guess what? Aku nak cari keje part time punyalah susah. Baru part time babe. Belum lagi full time. Kalau macam nie lah gayanya, mau aku gigit jari lepas degree nanti. Serabut, serabut. Minggu lepas aku dah pergi merata cari keje. Isi borang macam macam. Then, the management crews cakap kalau ada pape, dorang contact. Tapi, hurmm mungkin belum ada rezeki aku lah kot. Hari nie pulak aku keluar rumah dari pagi sampai ke petang semata mata nak cari keje. Cari punya cari, aku pun hantar la resume kat satu klinik nie. Pastu, isi borang kat tempat tempat yang ada job vacancy, again. 
Bila fikirkan balik, susah jugak nak dapatkan keje. Lepas nie tak boleh nak memilih keje. Ada rezeki kat mana mana terus sambar. Now, I realised that life is hard. Kalau takde bengkang bengkok, turun naik, guling guling bukan kehidupan namanya. Haha. So, I'll just go with the flow. Takde dah merungut. Just be patient, keep strong and be gorgeous. Hahaha.
Okaylah, tak tau nak taip ape dah. Otak tak start nak retard. Pape pun, all the best!! :)

Quotes : Think about why you held on for so long before you give up. :)

Crazy retarded girl,
Nurfatin Aina binti Nor Rahim. xoxo