text goyang


Assalamualaikum!! Hai hai hai!! :D
Today, I wanna share about stress. What is stress? Okay, stress is pressure or tension that exerted on a certain material. Huh? Tu salah satu maksud stress. hahaha. We usually used word "stress" in our daily life such as, "Arghh, I'm stress!" and "He's obviously under a lot of stress". But, do we really know what is "stress"? 
Okay, "stress" is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. Dalam kata lain, "stress" tu berlaku bila kita berada dalam keadaan atau situasi yang sangat memberi tekanan sama ada tekanan terhadap mental, emosi atau perasaan. "Stress" boleh berlaku apabila kita sedih, penat, bermasalah, gembira dan sebagainya. Wait! Kalau kita gembira pun dikira sebagai "stress"? Yup, definitely! 
Bila cakap pasal stress nie, kita akan rasa stress bila macam macam nak kena selesaikan dalam masa yg dah ditentukan, right? Huh! Aku nie dah mula stress tau tak. Tunggu masa nak sawan buih je. =="
Start dari Isnin sampai Rabu, test berderet deret. Dengan quiz lagi, lab reports lagi. I'm going insane!! So, apa yg aku buat bila stress? Firstly, berdoa. Then, aku dengar lagu, melalak sorang sorang, gelak golek golek. Eh, gelak golek golek? hehehe. Bukan gelak tanpa sebab okay. Aku tengok video video lawak lah. Apa ke lagi yg aku boleh buat kalau nak gelak macam puaka. hahahaha. Nie aku nak share video yg maybe boleh kurangkan stress. So, enjoyyyyyyyy!!! 

Okay, tu dulu kot. Aku nak sambung study. Adios!!

With so much love, 
Nurfatin Aina binti Nor Rahim :) -hugs-


Assalamualaikum. Hai hai hai. How's life? :D
Okay, today I'm gonna share about the unbelievable situation that happened to me when I bought a pack of ice. Hahaha. Pasal ais pun aku nak share? Biarlah. hahaha. :D
Sebenarnya, brother yang jual ais tu cakap mata aku cantik. kahkahkah. (Riak pulak aku.) :D Dia kata mata aku cantik sebab pakai maskara. What?! Mascara?! I don't like to apply mascara la bro. Bila masa pulak lah aku pakai maskaranya? Kalau cakap cantik aku apply eyeliner takpe jugak, nie kata cantik aku apply maskara. Aku rasa bro tu tak tau kot beza mascara dengan eyeliner. So, nie aku nak share example images of mascara and eyeliner. 

Okay, nie contoh kalau pakai eyeliner.

Another example kalau apply eyeliner.

Nie pulak contoh eyeliner. Eyeliner ada dalam macam macam bentuk. Ada liquid, ada gel, ada yg pensil. So, terpulanglah nak apply yang mana kan.

Nie contoh gel eyeliner.

Yang nie kalau apply mascara. Mascara apply kat eyelashes bkn kat garisan mata tu.

This is example of mascara.

Another example of mascara.

Kalau apply mascara, eyelashes nampak macam panjang, lebat and so on. So, ada beza antara eyeliner dengan mascara.

P/s : Guys, nie beza antara mascara dengan eyeliner. Ada perbezaan antara apply eyeliner dengan mascara ye. Jangan tersilap pulak lepas nie. ;)
Okay, sampai sini dulu lah ye. Lain kali kalau ada benda aku nak share lagi aku update. Adios! :D

With so much love, 
Nurfatin Aina binti Nor Rahim -hugs-

Paranoid =="

Assalamualaikum. :)
Okay today I just wanna share and talk about "PARANOID". What is paranoid? Is it a bad or weird behaviour? What are the causes of this disorder? What are the symptoms? And can it be cured? 
First thing first, paranoid is exhibiting or characterised by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others. People experiencing paranoia always believe that others are persecuting them and have delusional ideas about themselves as the central figures in scenarios that in reality have little relevance to them. In the other words, people with this disorder usually think that they might be harm, exploit or deceive by others. As we know, minor feeling of paranoia is common but severe paranoia may lead to anxiety, extreme fear and also affect the social life of a person. People with paranoia tend to have an excessive need to be self-sufficient and a strong sense of anatomy. They also lack trust in others. Those with this disorder need to have a high degree of control over people around them. They always rigid, critical of others and unable to collaborate. Besides, they have great difficulty accepting criticisms. Thus, it is bad not only for the subject but also the society. 
The causes of paranoia? The cause are likely due to social factors like how the person interact in the early development with family and friends. In my opinion, if there were family problems like divorced parents, problems in previous relationship and had been cheated by someone they loved, paranoia might occur. It's just my opinion but it seems relevant, right? For example, if a girl had been cheated by her boyfriend over and over again, she might become paranoid. This is because, she always thought that man just wanna toyed her feeling. Huh! What am I thinking? I talk about rubbish am I? Just forget it okay. 
Now, we'll discuss about the symptoms. People with paranoid disorder usually have these symptoms : -
  • Suspects, without sufficient basis, that others are exploiting, harming, or deceiving him or her
  • Is preoccupied with unjustified doubts about the loyalty or trustworthiness of friends or associates
  • Is reluctant to confide in others because of unwarranted fear that the information will be used maliciously against him or her
  • Reads hidden demeaning or threatening meanings into benign remarks or events
  • Persistently bears grudges (i.e., is unforgiving of insults, injuries, or slights)
  • Perceives attacks on his or her character or reputation that are not apparent to others, and is quick to react angrily or to counterattack
  • Has recurrent suspicions, without justification, regarding fidelity of spouse or sexual partner 
There is treatment for paranoid disorder but it will take a long period of time. Medicines also might help. Hmm, I think thats all for today. Hope our life will always be colourful and awesome. ^____^Y 

With so much love, 
Nurfatin Aina binti Nor Rahim :) -hugs- (^_^)Y

Assalamualaikum. Hai hai :)
Dah lama rasanya tak berblog. Setelah sekian lama baru aku ada kesempatan nak buat entri baru. Alhamdulillah kerana masih diberi kesempatan untuk menghirup oksigen dan masih diberi nikmat kesihatan. Hurmm, 2013 dah melabuhkan tirainya. Thousands of precious memories had been created in 2013. Bila fikir balik, macam macam memori yang dah tercipta. Memori yang aku tak akan lupa sampai bila bila dan sangat berharga. Tak mungkin dapat dibeli kat mana mana dan takkan mampu dibeli dengan apa apa jenis mata wang pun. Limited edition. hahaha :D
Memori yang menggembirakan, menyedihkan, memalukan dan semuanya terjadi dalam tahun yang sama. And that's normal. Memori memori tu yang mewarnai hidup aku. Tahun 2013 : aku dapat kenal dengan kawan kawan baru, my aunt got married, aku dapat plenty of gifts, aku dapat "heart attack" sebab someone bagitau yang dia sayang aku and yang paling awesome aku dengan roommate mencabar sesama sendiri untuk confess dekat crush masing masing. Sangat lah memalukan. *blushed*
Apa apa pun tahun 2013 banyak bagi pengalaman dan pengajaran untuk aku teruskan kehidupan aku. Semua yang berlaku sedikit sebanyak buat aku sedar yang setiap perkara  yang berlaku ada hikmahnya. 
So, tahun 2014 yang baru bermula nie harap dapat memberi aku nafas baru dan memori yang bermakna. Mungkin ada perkara yang lebih menarik bakal berlaku ada tahun 2014 nie. Who knows? hahaha :D
Okaylah, dah penat merepek. Lain kali kalau ada masa aku update lagi blog yang tak seberapa nie. 
Adios! :)

:: Here are some random photos. ::

With so much love, 
Nurfatin Aina binti Nor Rahim :)