text goyang

suke-suke :D

hello !! hello !! :)
how's your day ?? hehehe..tau x..td ak msg ngan mak ak..tau x my mum ckp ?? guess what ? huhuhu...my mum said, dye tgk gmbar ak and said..ak da T.E.M.B.A.M !!! ohhhh tidakkkkkk !!!! seriously ?? ak x nk jd cm tu..huhuhuhu :'(
so, ak pn wt la alasan..gmbar yg my mum tgk tu sblm puasa..so, nnt lpas puasa cnfrm la ak slim, langsing lg menawan...kahkahkah...angan-angan mat jenin la atin !! ish3...so, mcm mne ny ?? hurmmmmm (",)
i wonder...mcm mne kalau ak x mkn nasi langsung ?? hahahaha...ak just bleh tahan x mkn nasi for only 2 weeks..ish3..x de motivation langsung kn..? :(

okayyyy...okayyy...now, kte tukar topik plak...how about we talk about my drawing...hekhekhek.. :D
tp ny lukisan utk sbject biology ak la kn..hmm...look carefully ....................................................

 1st picture : monocot leaf tissue
is it look ok ??huhuhuhu...

2nd picture : monocot stem tissue
cm mne ?? pnah tgk ??huhuhu

tau x..mse ak nk observe binatang-binatang ny bwh microscope...ak x tau pe yg ak nmpk sbnr nye..hmm..tension ak...dah la wt mate ak juling..ish3..klau slalu sgt observe bnde-bnde micro ny bwh microscope..ak ase mate ak bleh buta..(hiperbola la plak)..hahaha :D
hmm..okay la..perut ak da berkeroncong ny..tnggu mse nk diisi je..sbar ye perut..jap lg nk bkak puasa da..hehehehe :)
today's quote : Life gives and takes away. During difficult times, be committed to resolving problems, but also lighten up and ride the waves of impermanence. What is a monster problem today will be a forgotten thought in the future. smile and enjoy your life :D

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